Wednesday, January 6, 2010


If i am able to easily remember the bad then I must try hard to remember the great ones.... They are true beautiful moments that should not be forgotten. I love photos to remember... I love these times. These are the times that should bring you back to when life isnt always so hard. And life can be worth your wild.

My friend Jeremiah who killed himself had great memories but lost them. He was unable to realize that It will and can indeed get better. Those hard times are life long experiences that should never be forgotten but able to make us stronger. I miss you and love you. Where ever you are....

I still make my peanut butter and jelly with the peanut butter one BOTH sides..... because it does taste better and for sure makes it last longer....

When I listen to Jawbreaker or queens of the stone age... you are always in my thoughts. I get sad over stupid little shit... but I promise you I will last long enough to tell people you were a great one.